Standing with the heroic women of October 7th

Rays Of Light is a volunteer initiative with the aim of commemorating the heroic women’s stories of October 7th, 2023 massacre.

On the morning of October 7th, a chapter of our lives closed, casting a dark shadow over Israel. As we faced the horrors and brutality, stories of contemporary heroism slowly emerged from the darkness, with women’s narratives shining brightly.

These remarkable women defied the devil’s acts without bowing their heads. They fought in homes, fields and hospitals, sometimes with babies and children clinging to them. Armed with no more than determination, they faced grenades, Kalashnikovs, raging fires, and unparalleled human evil.

Recognizing the importance of preserving these stories for history, we felt compelled to create a lasting record of testimonies from these Israeli heroines. Our goal was to produce a powerful yet sensitive and accessible library of testimonies, free from the explicit horrors seen on television and online.

Our approach involves two layers: audio and visual.

The audio layer features the heroines’ testimonies narrated by well-known actresses and voice-over artists, all contributing voluntarily to the project. The visual layer complements the audio evidence with poetic and captivating sand painting art. This artistic medium allows us to convey the chilling testimonies in a non-violent and emotionally stirring manner, steering clear of explicit scenes.

“I was excited to hear my story in someone else’s voice, as if a burden was lifted off me and now another woman helps me carry it…”

Sophie Berzon Mackie - Kibbutz Be'eri
Dana Dvorin
Dana Dvorin
As the art director and co-founder of Platforma Theater—a social-activist theater for survivors of violence—my work involves guiding artistic expression for those who have experienced trauma. October 7th massacre rocked my world, shattering my sense of control and trust in the system, leaving me feeling helpless. Three days later, I knew I had to tell the stories of the heroic women from that day, who have become symbols of both Israel’s wars and global conflicts. I felt compelled to artistically immortalize these women in a way that would bridge gaps between people and nations, making their stories accessible to teenagers, diverse populations worldwide, and future generations. This mission inspired me to initiate the “Rays of Light” project. On this project, I serve as the initiator and art director.
Shlomit Arnon
Shlomit Arnon
As a playwright and stage director, I bring my skills to this project as a content editor and writer. I’m here to present the stories of the heroic women who survived the horrific attack—women like me who, without warning, faced evil and overcame it. I’m committed to delivering their testimonies in their own words, giving them a voice. They choose the language, the pacing, the choice of words; they control their story. My role is to amplify their stories and ensure their message reaches and resonates with as many people as possible.
Anaelle Shaulov
Anaelle Shaulov
In my daily work, I am a content creator and social media manager. For the “Rays of Light” project, I am in charge of social and project management, write content, work with the international team, and lead educational sessions. My participation in this project is driven by a deep commitment to amplifying the stories of courageous women who endured the horrors of October 7, ensuring their voices are not silenced but heard worldwide. By leveraging art to convey these intimate human experiences, we aim to evoke empathy and emotional connections globally, shedding light on the Israeli individuals affected by these atrocities. Joining this project was my way of contributing to our society during these challenging times.
Ira Fuchs
Ira Fuchs
In my daily work, I am a narrator, producer, content creator, and editor. For this project, I focus on research, writing, content creation, and narration. I am here because I was born to Holocaust survivors, raised with a strong belief in “never again”. It’s troubling to witness history repeating itself, but I’m grateful that my parents are spared from witnessing these horrific events. The Holocaust taught us the crucial need to preserve authentic, first-person testimonies, and I am dedicated to contributing to this archive.
Liat Fishman Lenny
Liat Fishman Lenny
In my daily work, I’m a playwright, stage director, and lecture development coach. For this project, I serve as a writer, content editor, and participate in outreach sessions. I’m here driven by a deep calling and commitment to share the testimonies of the women heroes of October 7, both in Israel and globally, and to personally bear witness to their stories. This is my way of offering support, even if it’s just a small gesture, to help them carry their heavy burdens. Each of their stories resonates deeply with me; any one of them could easily have been me.
Ilana Yahav
Ilana Yahav
As an acclaimed international sand artist known for creating the beloved “Chartzufim” puppets, I have performed at prestigious venues such as the Vatican, the Kremlin, and the courts of Spanish and Belgian royalty. In this project, my role is to paint with sand, adding a unique artistic dimension. I feel a deep emotional connection to the women heroes of this war, which motivates me to contribute artistically to this amazing project. I am privileged to collaborate with a high-caliber team that shares strong values and a commitment to honoring these remarkable individuals.
Tzivi Waxman
Tzivi Waxman
In my daily work, I’m known as a “sand artist,” performing both in Israel and globally. I also work as an emotional therapist, using various methods, and deliver musical lectures on personal empowerment, incorporating my sand artistry. For this project, my role revolves around painting with sand. I feel a profound calling to artistically immortalize stories of heroism. With heart and soul, I pour emotions into the sand, expressing our collective grief… Through my art, I seek to connect deeply with the stories of these women heroes, aiming to touch the hearts of all humanity, ensuring we remember and never forget!
Ronen Ishai
Ronen Ishai
In my daily work, I’m the producer, director, and owner of Vision Video Productions Studios. For this project, my focus is on video production and editing. I’m here because I strongly believe in the importance of commemorating the events of October 7, especially the stories of the brave women who contributed on both civilian and military fronts during this national crisis. Additionally, I see this project as an opportunity to present our impactful and valuable content in a way that makes it accessible to audiences who may have been avoiding the disturbing images associated with it, both in Israel and globally.
Vered Grif
Vered Grif
In my everyday work, I’m a graphic designer and artist, owning a studio that specializes in graphic design and business branding. In this project, my main task is creating all the marketing materials. I joined because, like many others, when the war started, I wanted to help during these tough times for our country and people. When Dana asked me to join, I eagerly agreed to be part of this special project.
Andrea Schwartz
Andrea Schwartz
As an actress, my day-to-day work involves bringing stories to life on stage and screen. For this project, I am honored to take on the role of producer. I joined because I wanted to find a way, as an ordinary citizen, to help advocate and spread awareness about the horrors our nation experienced. This project feels like a calling, amplifying the voices of the heroic women from that day. I feel it’s my duty to make their stories known and their voices— the voices of our country—heard. Plus, when Dana Dvorin asks you to join, you simply can’t say no…
Sharon Axelrod Shechori
Sharon Axelrod Shechori
As the Head of the Education and Special Projects Department at Israeli HaSha’a Theater, I bring my experience to this project as the producer. I joined because of a personal tragedy: on October 7, we lost Staff Sergeant Omri Peretz, the 20-year-old son of a close friend and a childhood friend of my daughter Rona. When Dana Dvorin invited me to participate, I immediately accepted, moved by the idea of creating a memorial similar to “Yad Vashem” for October 7 massacre. The use of sand art in the videos, reassured me that the stories could be told sensitively, without causing distress to viewers.
Raz Burg
Raz Burg
In my everyday work and on this project, I work as a sound designer and recording/mixing technician. I felt a strong urge to contribute my skills to impactful social initiatives during these challenging times. One such endeavor involved editing sound files for the Hostage Families Forum.

The “Rays of Light” project, initiated by Dana Dvorin, a close friend and colleague, struck a deep chord with me from the outset. It not only documents these events but also gives voice to the women who faced unimaginable moments of terror and adversity.

Shelly Noy
Shelly Noy
In my daily work, I serve as a production manager, journalistic research assistant, writer, editor, and creator for the “Osim Historia” podcast network. For this project, I am the coordinator and producer in Australia. My passion lies in documentary work, and I firmly believe in the power of words, stories, and people to create change and shape history. I am driven by the conviction that art is therapeutic and provides a deep connection to our personal and collective identity. I am grateful for the privilege of being a witness and spreading the truth worldwide.
Einav Carmi Degani
Einav Carmi Degani
As a video photographer and editor living on a kibbutz in southern Israel, October 7 was a turning point for me. For days, we were filled with anxiety, clinging to hope for good news. During this time, I kept thinking about how I could help. I enlisted for reserve duty when the war broke out, but still felt something was missing. When I heard about this project, I knew it was where I could make a difference in another way. As a video editor for this project, I’m committed to using my skills to contribute to this important cause.

Join us and spread the truth

Rays of Light is a voluntary project brought to life by over 10 dedicated volunteers, including writers, editors, directors, sand artists, photographers, actors, and recording studios. Your voice can make a difference! Join us in spreading the truth about the atrocities of October 7th, as seen through the eyes of our heroines. We must not and will not remain silent. WATCH & SHARE. 

Rays Of Light – Creative and production team: Initiator and Artistic Director: Dana Dvorin | Chief Content Editor: Shlomit Arnon Bar Lev | Research and Content Editing: Ira Fuchs, Liat Fishman Lenny | Project Management and Social Media: Anaelle Shaulov | Sand Art: Ilana Yahav / Tzivi Waxman | Photography and Video Editing: Ronen Yishai / Einav Carmi Degani | Sound Editing and Recording: Raz Burg – “Tamuz Studios” | Graphic Design: Vered Grif | Production: Sharon Axelrod Shchori, Andreea Schwartz | Translation: Globus Translations.